ScreenStrong Families

How Screens Contribute to Developmental Delays with Melissa Porcaro (#43)

April 27, 2021 Melissa Porcaro
ScreenStrong Families
How Screens Contribute to Developmental Delays with Melissa Porcaro (#43)
Show Notes

 Melissa is an occupational therapist who specializes in sensory integration and processing. Her focus has moved from helping children with developmental delays to helping children and young people with screen and media addictions. This career trajectory made it clear to Melissa that the two problems were increasingly connected. Dependence on screens presents new challenges to sensory integration because children are no longer experiencing the world through physical experience the way they did a generation ago. Melanie and Melissa discuss how screen addiction affects children not only mentally and emotionally, but physically and socially as well. We all know that screen use changes the structure of kids’ brains—Melissa explains exactly how this happens and the negative effects she sees in real-life children in her practice.

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ScreenStrong Tech Recommendations

  • Gabb Wireless—Smartphone Replacement (use code STRONG for discount)
  • Canopy—Device Filter (use code STRONG for discount)


Production Team:

  • Host: Melanie Hempe
  • Producer & Audio Editor: Olivia Kernekin