ScreenStrong Families

The Broader Effects of Tech and How to Reconnect Your Kids with Tom Kersting (#49)

May 21, 2021 Tom Kersting
ScreenStrong Families
The Broader Effects of Tech and How to Reconnect Your Kids with Tom Kersting (#49)
Show Notes

In the second half of Melanie’s discussion with author Tom Kersting, they move on to his chapters about how technology affects children’s social and emotional development, and how family dynamics are negatively impacted by screen saturation in kids. Kersting focuses on problems that Melanie and other parents are familiar with: kids who would rather game than make real friends, emotional dysregulation, and a feeling of disconnection between the generations. Finally, Melanie and Tom delve into the third section of ‘Disconnected,’ which gives tips, techniques, and practical solutions to mitigate problems caused by technology and help parents reconnect their children with their families, their friends, and with their own minds. Kersting emphasizes the importance of teaching children how to think independently of their peers and how to be mindful about all aspects of their lives, including their tech use.

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ScreenStrong Tech Recommendations

  • Gabb Wireless—Smartphone Replacement (use code STRONG for discount)
  • Canopy—Device Filter (use code STRONG for discount)


Production Team:

  • Host: Melanie Hempe
  • Producer & Audio Editor: Olivia Kernekin